Every cent is important to our mission so please only use online giving if you are able to cover the processing fees (2.9% + $0.30/transaction for credit cards and 1% + $0.25/transaction for bank transfers). Otherwise, dropping off the money or sending a check to the Unitarian Church of Sharon 4 N Main street will let us keep all of your donation. Thank you!

Every cent is important to our mission so please only use online giving if you are able to cover the processing fees (2.9% + $0.30/transaction for credit cards and 1% + $0.25/transaction for bank transfers). Otherwise, dropping off the money or sending a check to the Unitarian Church of Sharon 4 N Main street will let us keep all of your donation. Thank you!

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Unitarian Church of Sharon
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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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